LDS faith declares the standard works to be the word of God (A
of F 8). At the same time, our tradition acknowledges that these
texts are imperfect human creations. The Book of Mormon is especially
self-conscious about the fact that scriptures are selective accounts crafted
by authors and redactors, not timeless pronouncements issuing directly
from the mind of God (e.g., 3 Ne. 23:6-13).
Scriptures may contain errors (B of M Title Page;
Morm. 8:17), or they may have been shaped by agendas that distort
God's truth (1 Ne. 13:20-29). Scriptures
are limited by the language and understanding of their authors or audiences
(2 Ne. 31:3; Ether 12:23-25; D&C 1:24).
The fact that Joseph Smith can be shown to have revised his revelations
invites us to view the scriptures as ongoing efforts to discern God's
will, not as divine dictation.
Despite their limitations, we testify that certain texts are the word
of God because we feel that God's voice speaks to us through them. We
accept these texts as scripture because reading them, we experience the
Spirit's power (D&C 18:34-36). These
texts nourish us (Moro. 6:4). As we ponder
them in a spirit of prayerful discernment, we receive insight about how
to lead a Christ-like life (2 Ne. 32:3). Scripture
study is a vehicle through which God gives us wisdom, correction, and
strength (D&C 1:24-28). How these texts
came to be, or what they were originally meant to convey, is less important
than how the Spirit guides us to apply them to our own circumstances (1
Ne. 19:23).
As I Search the Holy
Scriptures (Hymns 277) |
Brigham Young: I do not
even believe that there is a single revelation, among the many God
has given to the Church, that is perfect in its fulness. The revelations
of God contain correct doctrine and principle, so far as they go;
but it is impossible for the poor, weak, low, grovelling, sinful inhabitants
of the earth to receive a revelation from the Almighty in all its
perfections. He has to speak to us in a manner to meet the extent
of our capacities . . . |
Journal of Discourses
2:314 |
John A. Widtsoe: The
message of the scriptures is divine; the words in which it is clothed
are human. Failure to make this distinction has led to much misunderstanding.
Intelligent readers will separate the message of the scripture from
its form of presentation. . . . Especially is it necessary in reading
the scriptures to place oneself in the position of the people, thousands
of years ago, for whom the writings were made. The customs, habits,
and possessions of the people of that day are of necessity reflected
in the expositions of the revelations of the Lord to His children
on earth.
"The Preservation of
God's Word," Improvement Era, October 1937 |
Boyd K. Packer: When
I began as a seminary teacher . . . I worked out an approach to
teaching the Book of Mormon. . . . I determined that we would not
touch upon the archaeology of the book, the military aspects . .
. . Rather we would work our way through the Book of Mormon, seeking
the answer to the questions: Who is speaking to us through these
pages? What is it He is trying to tell us? |
That All May Be Edified
(Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1982), 309 |
Joan B. MacDonald: We
all need time to be alone with ourselves, to rest from the business
of our days, to separate from others and reconnect with the reality
of God. From experiences in quiet, introspective times, times with
the scriptures, or times of prayer, we get back in touch with the
central truth of who we are . . . We reach out to touch God, he
touches us, and we find our selfhood nurtured and affirmed.
The Holiness of Everyday
Life (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1995), 43 |
Gene R. Cook: The
primary reason we read the scriptures is to hear the voice of the
Lord speaking to us, giving us revelation and instruction and causing
us to have those deep feelings of peace and love that come through
the Spirit.
Searching the Scriptures
(Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1997), 43 |