We are that we might
have joy. |
2 Nephi 2:25 |
LDS teaching describes life on earth as one in a series of spheres we
pass through during an eons-long journey—from our premortal home,
where we lived as spirit children of divine parents, to one of the diverse
worlds prepared as dwellings for resurrected humanity. This vision informs
the Saints' understanding of God, human nature, and the purpose of life.
Taken literally or not, images of the premortal and postmortal worlds
are meant to guide our lives in this world. These images teach us that
the purpose of life is to love, to learn, to grow, and to serve, and thus
to experience joy. They teach us to cultivate divine qualities; to allow
ourselves to explore and make mistakes; to enjoy the physical world, including
the gift of sexuality; to esteem all people as sisters and brothers; and
to place family relationships among our very highest priorities. In the
face of tragedy and seeming chaos, we are assured that every individual
life has meaning. Each of us has a mission to fulfill, and we are accountable
to God for how we use our gifts and treat others.