The message of the Restoration includes the joyful announcement that
God reigns (D&C 128:19). The reign, or
kingdom, of God refers to Christ's victory over evil and the enactment
of God's will on earth (Matt. 6:10; D&C 49:6;
At times the scriptures speak of God's kingdom as future.
These passages invite us to look forward to a better world, a world in
which Christ will gather and feed God's children (1
Ne. 22:24-25), establish peace and justice (2
Ne. 19:7; D&C 1:36), and fulfill the millennial promises, including
renewal for the earth (A of F 10). In the
temple, we pledge to use our gifts to help bring this better world to
pass. In other passages, the scriptures speak of the kingdom as a present
reality that God has given to the Saints. These passages are meant to
inspire hope and dispel fear (D&C 35:26-27).
They assure us that Christ is always with us, leading us along, giving
us power to overcome all things (D&C 50:35; 62:9;
The kingdom is not only a spiritual reality, nor is it simply a synonym
for the LDS Church. Historically, the Saints have understood that building
the kingdom means establishing a social, political, and economic order
that embodies gospel values. Creating such an order is not a task for
Latter-day Saints alone. Early Mormon leaders envisioned that the kingdom
of God on earth will be comprised of people from many faiths living together
in peace, good will, and love.
O Saints of Zion (Hymns
39) |
Sing Praise to Him (Hymns
70) |
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Hymns
72) |
John Taylor: What is
the meaning of "thy kingdom come"? It means . . . that there
is a God who is willing to guide and direct and sustain his people.
. . . Thy kingdom come, that the confusion, the evil, and wickedness,
the murder and bloodshed that now exist among mankind may be done
away, and the principles of truth and right, the principles of kindness,
charity, and love as they dwell in the bosom of the Gods, may dwell
with us. |
Journal of Discourses
23:177-78 |
George Q. Cannon: It
has been proclaimed by Joseph Smith; it has been proclaimed by Brigham
Young; it has been proclaimed by John Taylor; it has been proclaimed
by Wilford Woodruff, and all the leading Elders associated with them,
that God intended to organize a Kingdom on the earth that should not
be composed of Latter-day Saints alone, but that members of that Kingdom
should belong to other religious denominations, as well as to The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This has been a cardinal
doctrine of this Church. |
Gospel Truth (Salt
Lake City: Deseret Book, 1987), 325 |
John A. Widtsoe: After
nearly two thousand years we are far from the realization of a kingdom
of God, on earth, operating in the spirit of Christ, with peace and
good will as gifts to humanity. . . . Nevertheless, the Church knows
that the kingdom of God will be established. Its coming is certain.
God is never defeated. He is always the victor. The establishment
of the kingdom must be our constant objective. . . . May the nations
obtain the view of the coming kingdom, and shape their actions accordingly. |
An Understandable Religion
(Independence, MO: Zion's Printing & Publishing, 1944), 191-92 |
David O. McKay: The world
today is in a state of confusion and unrest. Poverty, suffering, cruelty,
crime, treachery, and war afflict the human race. Why? Because men
seek first their own selfish aims—seek first the subjugation
of others—seek first aggrandizement and domination. The source
of it all lies in the dominating thoughts harbored by rulers and leaders
who reject the kingdom of God and seek first personal and national
gain, at the cost of subjugation and, if necessary, the extermination
of other persons and nations. |
Home Memories of President
David O. McKay (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1956), 242-43 |
Marie Cornwall: We can
build the kingdom of God by building ourselves as we build a community
of women. That means that we must support our sisters as they confront
real problems: abuse in all its forms, sexual harassment, rape, such
economic problems as poverty and wage discrimination, the lack of
good child care. Let us open our hearts to mourn with these women.
To comfort them. To witness to them not only of God's love but of
their individual worth in our community. |
"Diversity in Zion:
Come into the Fold of God," Women and Christ: Living the
Abundant Life (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1993), 188 |