The scriptures often describe our relationship to Christ in hierarchical
terms: he is our teacher, we are his disciples;
he is our lord, we are his servants. But Christ also invites us to know
him on equal terms, as friends (D&C 93:45-46;
John 15:15).
Being Christ's friends means having an intimate, familiar relationship
with God. It means having an advocate in heaven who makes all things work
for our good (D&C 98:1-3). Christ's dying
for us shows how intensely devoted his friendship is (John
15:13). His triumph over death means he can never be separated
from us. Knowing that Christ always stands by us offers comfort, courage,
and hope (D&C 68:6). With Christ as our
companion, nothing can confound us (D&C 49:7).
He understands everything that causes us pain or heartache (Alma
In his love for us, Christ is described as ardent and demonstrative.
His bowels are filled with compassion, and being with those he loves makes
him weep for joy (3 Ne. 17:5-6, 20-22). He
desires to clasp us in his arms (Morm. 5:11).
He asks us to cleave to him with all our heart—the same language the
scriptures use to describe fidelity between spouses (D&C
11:19; cf. 42:22). How we respond to that invitation is up to us,
but Christ commands no one to depart from him (2 Ne.
Be Still, My Soul (Hymns
124) |
Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee (Hymns
141) |
Alexander B. Morrison:
Regardless of what happens to us, we are never alone. When we are
torn by despair, crushed by loneliness, when we cry out for a friend,
we can turn to Jesus, our ever-present guide and eternal friend. We
can talk to Him, and He will understand, for He has felt the same
pain, the same sorrow as we feel. |
Feed My
Sheep: Leadership Ideas for Latter-day Shepherds (Salt Lake City:
Deseret Book, 1992), 168 |
Chieko N. Okazaki:
Jesus Christ is our loving Savior. He is not some distant person
in robes and sandals. He understands about the carburetor in our
car, about ACT and SAT tests for our high-school senior, about a
missionary cautiously trying tofu for the first time. We can share
our whole lives with him. He doesn't want to see only the pretty,
peaceful parts or the sections when we have a good day. Are there
parts of our lives that we try to shove into the closet or sweep
under the carpet when we pray or when we think we're trying to be
righteous? I want to tell you that Jesus wants our whole hearts.
He knows our whole lives.
(Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1998), 93 |