Baptism is a formal, ceremonial witness that a person is committed to
a life of Christian discipleship. In baptism, we express our willingness
to take on Christ's name—that is, to be Christians, people determined
to do Christ's work (Moro. 6:3). We covenant
to share others' burdens, to mourn with those who mourn, to comfort those
in need of comfort (Mosiah 18:8-11). By following
Christ into the waters of baptism, we testify that we are willing to follow
him throughout our lives, even in the way of self-sacrifice (2
Ne. 31:10-13; Matt. 16:24-25; Mark 10:21).
Through baptism, we are buried with Christ, then raised with him to walk
in newness of life (Rom. 6:3-6). Baptism is
also a second birth: a return to the womb and a reemergence into the air
(Moses 6:59-60; John 3:3-5). Like Christ, all
who are baptized are declared sons or daughters of God (Moses
6:64-68; Matt. 3:16-17). Baptism is the beginning of a lifelong
process of spiritual growth.
The gift of the Holy Ghost is bestowed in connection with baptism. Having
become members of Christ's body, the baptized
receive Christ's Spirit to live and work in them. The Holy Ghost is the
Comforter whom Christ sends to guide his disciples in his absence (John
14:25-26; 16:12-13). The gift of the Holy Ghost empowers the baptized
to speak with inspiration, to do Christ's work, and to grow in grace.
Jesus, Mighty King in
Zion (Hymns 234) |
Parley P. Pratt: The
embryo formation of the human body, is commenced and sustained by
blood and spirit, in the womb of nature, where, until the period
of birth, it floats in the element of water. . . . To be born again,
then, is to enter into the same element, suspend the breath in the
watery womb, and emerge from that element into the atmosphere, and
again gasp the first breath in the new creation; while, at the same
time, the blood of atonement is applied to the individual, for remission
of sins, and is followed by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit of
Key to the
Science of Theology (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1965), 97-98 |
B. H. Roberts: We also
complete the baptism by the application of the purifying element,
the baptism of the Holy Ghost—likened unto a baptism of fire. The
Spirit of God is thus imparted to our spirit, which means that our
lives are united with the life of God; by which his wisdom may be
at our service; by which his strength may be our strength; his glory,
may be our glory. |
of the Faith and the Saints (Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1907),
2:515 |
Charles W. Penrose: The
gift of the Holy Ghost is the greatest boon conferred by God upon
man in the flesh. It is "the anointing from above which teacheth
all things." It is the "abiding witness" of the Father
and the Son. It is the spirit of revelation. It guides into all truth,
brings things past to remembrance, makes manifest present light, and
shows things to come. |
Rays of
Living Light from the Doctrines of Christ (Salt Lake City: Deseret
News Press, 1954), 122 |
Chieko N. Okazaki: What
if we could see ourselves as the Lord sees us? What if we knew our
strengths and talents as clearly as he does? Sometimes we think, "I'm
just the same old me. Nothing has changed. I've always been this way
and I'll always be this way." Not so! Heavenly Father knows the
full range of our potential and powers and has sent the Holy Ghost
to dwell in us. "As Christ was raised up from the dead by the
glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life."
(Romans 6:4.) |
Up! (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1993), 165 |